Current Semester

Spring 2025

To understand global change and environmental concerns, this course weaves together an understanding of Earth's lithosphere, atmosphere and oceans and how ecosystems are linked to the physical environment. Students are encouraged, but not required, to enroll concurrently in 1130L. Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 3: Physical and Natural Sciences.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

TR 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 122

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Corinne Myers - cemyers@unm.edu3129

TR 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 122

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Corinne Myers - cemyers@unm.edu3117

In this course, students will often work together to collect data and students are encouraged to discuss their observations and ideas, but students are expected to write their own answers in their own words on their worksheets. Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 3: Physical and Natural Sciences. Pre- or corequisite: 1130.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

M 11:00 AM - 12:50 PM
Science Math Learning Center B66

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Carlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu1 Section Full
Fees: $35

M 1:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Science Math Learning Center B66

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Carlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu1 Section Full
Fees: $35

M 3:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Science Math Learning Center B66

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Carlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu1 Section Full
Fees: $35

T 9:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Science Math Learning Center B66

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Carlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu1 Section Full
Fees: $35

T 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Science Math Learning Center B66

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Carlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu1 Section Full
Waitlist: 1
Fees: $35

W 12:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Science Math Learning Center B66

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Carlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu1 Section Full
Fees: $35

W 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Science Math Learning Center B66

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Carlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu1 Section Full
Fees: $35

W 9:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Science Math Learning Center B66

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Carlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu1 Section Full
Fees: $35

Exploration of basic statistical representations of earth science data, matrix algebra, and multivariate data analysis and Fourier analysis. Pre- or corequisite: MATH 1512.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

M 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 105

W 10:00 AM - 11:15 AM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 115

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Eric O Lindsey - eol@unm.edu33

Rocks and minerals form a critical foundation for all Earth's systems, and understanding the chemical composition and physical characteristics of these Earth's materials is important for work in environmental sciences.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

T 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 116

TR 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 116

Web Enhanced - Lecture
John M Hamilton - johnmichael0705@unm.edu45
Fees: $35

Basic process-based understanding of Earth's climate system using physics-based problem-solving skills and applying scientific concepts related to understanding the Earth's climatic system. Prerequisite: **423L.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

TR 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 340

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Joseph Galewsky - galewsky@unm.edu35

Application of basic science to the interdisciplinary study of environmental systems. Causes of and solutions to land, air, water and ecosystem degradation. Prerequisite: 324 or (330 and (BIOL 1140 or BIOL 2110C) and MATH 1522 and PHYS 1310).

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

R 12:30 PM - 5:00 PM
Science Math Learning Center B79

T 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 340

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Marisa N Repasch - mrepasch@unm.edu410
Fees: $35

Summary of specific areas of geology, designed especially for earth science teachers and other nontraditional students. Subjects may vary from year to year; lectures normally supplemented by laboratory exercises.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
Energy and Environment

TR 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM
Mitchell Hall 106

Web Enhanced - Topics
Yemane Asmerom - asmerom@unm.edu33

Introduction to processes leading to formation of igneous and metamorphic rocks. Emphasis on plate tectonic settings and interactions between physical and chemical processes. Prerequisite: **301 and **302L. {Spring}

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

T 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 105

TR 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 340

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Adrian J Brearley - brearley@unm.edu47
Fees: $40

R 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 105

TR 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 340

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Adrian J Brearley - brearley@unm.edu410
Fees: $40

Nature and origin of rock structures and deformation; map and stereographic projection problems; stress and strain. Prerequisite: **304L and (PHYS 1230 or PHYS 1310). Pre- or corequisite: **303L. {Spring}

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

W 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 105

TR 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 105

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Lindsay Lowe Worthington - lworthington@unm.edu410
Fees: $50

Survey of space exploration past, present, and future. Detailed overview of solar system formation, the Sun, the planets and their moons, asteroids, comets, meteorites and astrobiology.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

TR 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 116

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Carl B Agee - agee@unm.edu3 Section Full

A course exploring a topic not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
T: Stable Isotope Sem

M 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
Physics & Astronomy Interdis 1010

Nicu-Viorel Atudorei - atudorei@unm.edu17
Comptnl Methods Geosciences

MW 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 115

Web Enhanced - Topics
Eric O Lindsey - eol@unm.edu32
Appl Drones, Robots, Spect

W 5:00 PM - 7:45 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 340

Web Enhanced - Topics
Scott Nowicki - snowicki@unm.edu33
Applied & Env Geophysics

R 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 340

T 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 115

Web Enhanced - Topics
Lindsay Lowe Worthington - lworthington@unm.edu37
Carving Land & Place in Geo

W 9:00 AM - 11:50 AM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 105

Web Enhanced - Topics
Cameron E Reed - creed5@unm.edu3 Section Full
T: Ecosystem Biogeochemistry

MW 4:00 PM - 5:15 PM
Castetter Hall (Biology) 107

Web Enhanced - Topics
Alexandra J Webster - awebster2@unm.edu33

Current topics in geology. For graduate students, may be repeated once for credit towards degree. See description for *490. Offered on a CR/NC basis only. Restriction: junior or senior standing.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

F 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 122

Web Enhanced - Seminar
Lindsay Lowe Worthington - lworthington@unm.edu183

Introduction to x-ray powder diffraction as an analytical method. Course will emphasize use of X-ray diffraction as an analytical tool for the identification, analysis of crystalline materials in minerals, rocks, soils and engineered materials.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

R 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 115

T 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 134

Eric J Peterson - ejpete@unm.edu311
Fees: $200

History of the Earth's climate. Examination of methods in climactic reconstruction and mechanisms of climactic change. Emphasis on Pleistocene and Holocene climactic records. Prerequisite: ENVS 1130 or GEOL 1110.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

MWF 9:00 AM - 9:50 AM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 116

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Peter J Fawcett - fawcett@unm.edu310

Variable course content depending on student interest. Topics may include physical sedimentology, sequence stratigraphy, basin analysis, cycle stratigraphy and chemostratigraphy.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
T: Paleobiological Readings

W 3:00 PM - 5:00 PM
Natural History Science Center 105

Corinne Myers - cemyers@unm.edu28
T: Museum Science Colloquium

T 1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
Physics & Astronomy Interdis 2120

Web Enhanced - Topics
Thomas F Turner - tfturner@salud.unm.edu15
T: MRT Workshop

W 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM
Physics & Astronomy Interdis 2120

Web Enhanced - Topics
Thomas F Turner - tfturner@salud.unm.edu15

Student review of geologic literature; preparation and critique of oral presentations. Prerequisite: **301 or ENVS 330. Corequisite: 401.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

F 1:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 105

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Tyler J Mackey - tjmackey@unm.edu18

Individual research into an area proposed by the student and conducted under the direction of a faculty member.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
00135666Independent StudyCarl B Agee - agee@unm.edu1 TO 325
00235667Independent StudyYemane Asmerom - asmerom@unm.edu1 TO 325
00335668Independent StudyAdrian J Brearley - brearley@unm.edu1 TO 325
00435669Independent StudyLaura J Crossey - lcrossey@unm.edu1 TO 324
00535670Independent StudyMaya Elrick - dolomite@unm.edu1 TO 325
00635671Independent StudyPeter J Fawcett - fawcett@unm.edu1 TO 325
00735672Independent StudyTobias P Fischer - fischer@unm.edu1 TO 325
00835673Independent StudyJoseph Galewsky - galewsky@unm.edu1 TO 325
01035674Independent StudyBrandon Schmandt - bschmandt@unm.edu1 TO 325
01135675Independent StudyDavid S Gutzler - gutzler@unm.edu1 TO 325
01335677Independent StudyKarl E Karlstrom - kek1@unm.edu1 TO 325
01435678Independent StudyBarry S Kues - bkues@unm.edu1 TO 325
01535679Independent StudyLeslie D McFadden - lmcfadnm@unm.edu1 TO 325
01635680Independent StudyGrant A Meyer - gmeyer@unm.edu1 TO 325
01735681Independent StudyJason Moore - jrm@unm.edu1 TO 325
01835682Independent StudyLouis A Scuderi - tree@unm.edu1 TO 325
01935683Independent StudyNicu-Viorel Atudorei - atudorei@unm.edu1 TO 325
02035684Independent StudyZachary D Sharp - zsharp@unm.edu1 TO 325
02135685Independent StudyEric O Lindsey - eol@unm.edu1 TO 325
02235686Independent StudyGary S Weissmann - weissman@unm.edu1 TO 325
02335687Independent StudyTyler J Mackey - tjmackey@unm.edu1 TO 323
02435688Independent StudyAurora Pun - apun@unm.edu1 TO 325
02535689Independent StudyCorinne Myers - cemyers@unm.edu1 TO 323
02635690Independent StudyVictor J Polyak - polyak@unm.edu1 TO 325
02835692Independent StudyCarlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu1 TO 325
03035694Independent StudyLindsay Lowe Worthington - lworthington@unm.edu1 TO 325
03135695Independent StudyMarisa N Repasch - mrepasch@unm.edu1 TO 325

Independent Study
Leslie D McFadden - lmcfadnm@unm.edu1 TO 324
03435697Independent StudyCharles K Shearer - cshearer@unm.edu1 TO 325
03535698Independent StudyMichael N Spilde - mspilde@unm.edu1 TO 325
03835700Independent StudyKaren Ziegler - kziegler@unm.edu1 TO 325

Independent study for departmental honors. Prerequisite: **303L or ENVS 330.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
00133103Independent StudyCarl B Agee - agee@unm.edu325
00233104Independent StudyYemane Asmerom - asmerom@unm.edu325
00333105Independent StudyAdrian J Brearley - brearley@unm.edu325
00433106Independent StudyLaura J Crossey - lcrossey@unm.edu324
00533107Independent StudyMaya Elrick - dolomite@unm.edu325
00633108Independent StudyPeter J Fawcett - fawcett@unm.edu325
00733109Independent StudyTobias P Fischer - fischer@unm.edu325
00833110Independent StudyJoseph Galewsky - galewsky@unm.edu325
00933112Independent StudyVictor J Polyak - polyak@unm.edu325
01033114Independent StudyDavid S Gutzler - gutzler@unm.edu325
01233117Independent StudyKarl E Karlstrom - kek1@unm.edu325
01333118Independent StudyBarry S Kues - bkues@unm.edu325
01433119Independent StudyLeslie D McFadden - lmcfadnm@unm.edu325
01533120Independent StudyGrant A Meyer - gmeyer@unm.edu325
01733122Independent StudyLouis A Scuderi - tree@unm.edu325
01833123Independent StudyNicu-Viorel Atudorei - atudorei@unm.edu325
01933124Independent StudyZachary D Sharp - zsharp@unm.edu325
02033125Independent StudyJason Moore - jrm@unm.edu325
02133126Independent StudyGary S Weissmann - weissman@unm.edu325
02233127Independent StudyEric O Lindsey - eol@unm.edu324
02333128Independent StudyAurora Pun - apun@unm.edu325
02433129Independent StudyTyler J Mackey - tjmackey@unm.edu325
02533130Independent StudyBrandon Schmandt - bschmandt@unm.edu325
02633131Independent StudyMarisa N Repasch - mrepasch@unm.edu324
02733132Independent StudyCorinne Myers - cemyers@unm.edu325
02833133Independent StudyCarlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu325
02933134Independent StudyLindsay Lowe Worthington - lworthington@unm.edu325
03033135Independent StudyAbdulmehdi S Ali - mehdiali@unm.edu325
03333137Independent StudyCharles K Shearer - cshearer@unm.edu325
03433138Independent StudyMichael N Spilde - mspilde@unm.edu325
03533141Independent StudyKaren Ziegler - kziegler@unm.edu325

Candidacy for honors in Earth and Planetary Sciences. Prerequisite: 493.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

Independent Study
Carl B Agee - agee@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Yemane Asmerom - asmerom@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Adrian J Brearley - brearley@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Laura J Crossey - lcrossey@unm.edu324

Independent Study
Maya Elrick - dolomite@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Peter J Fawcett - fawcett@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Tobias P Fischer - fischer@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Joseph Galewsky - galewsky@unm.edu324

Independent Study
Nicu-Viorel Atudorei - atudorei@unm.edu325

Independent Study
David S Gutzler - gutzler@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Karl E Karlstrom - kek1@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Barry S Kues - bkues@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Leslie D McFadden - lmcfadnm@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Grant A Meyer - gmeyer@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Victor J Polyak - polyak@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Louis A Scuderi - tree@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Brandon Schmandt - bschmandt@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Zachary D Sharp - zsharp@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Jason Moore - jrm@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Gary S Weissmann - weissman@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Tyler J Mackey - tjmackey@unm.edu323

Independent Study
Aurora Pun - apun@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Eric O Lindsey - eol@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Corinne Myers - cemyers@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Abdulmehdi S Ali - mehdiali@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Carlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Lindsay Lowe Worthington - lworthington@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Marisa N Repasch - mrepasch@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Charles K Shearer - cshearer@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Michael N Spilde - mspilde@unm.edu325

Independent Study
Karen Ziegler - kziegler@unm.edu325

This course is an introduction to our dynamic Earth, introducing students to the materials that make up Earth (rocks and minerals) and the processes that create and modify the features of our planet. The course will help students learn how mountains are formed, how volcanoes erupt, where earthquakes occur, and how water, wind, and ice can shape the landscape. Students will also develop a basic understanding of the ways humans have altered the planet including our impact on natural resources and global climate change. Students are encouraged but not required to enroll concurrently in 1110L. Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 3: Physical and Natural Sciences.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

MWF 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 122

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Carlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu358

TR 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM
Collaborative Teaching & Learn 300

Web Enhanced - Lecture
Yemane Asmerom - asmerom@unm.edu323

Students will learn to identify rocks and minerals in hand samples, work with topographic maps, geologic maps, and geologic cross-sections, and apply stratigraphic principles to explore geologic time. Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 3: Physical and Natural Sciences. Pre- or corequisite: 1110.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

M 9:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Science Math Learning Center B64

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Carlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu1 Section Full
Fees: $15

M 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Science Math Learning Center B64

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Carlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu13
Fees: $15

T 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Science Math Learning Center B64

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Carlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu1 Section Full
Fees: $15

W 12:00 PM - 1:50 PM
Science Math Learning Center B64

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Carlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu12
Fees: $15

T 9:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Science Math Learning Center B64

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Carlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu1 Section Full
Fees: $15

W 2:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Science Math Learning Center B64

Web Enhanced - Laboratory
Carlisle A Wishard - cwishard@unm.edu11
Fees: $15

Origin and history of the earth including age of the planet and dating of rocks, changing configurations of oceans and continents as a result of plate tectonics, records of climate change, history of formation and erosion of mountain chains, origin and evolution of life and causes of extinction. Required field trip and lab exercises permit understanding of how Earth history is interpreted from the geologic rock record. Meets New Mexico General Education Curriculum Area 3: Physical and Natural Sciences. Prerequisite: 1110 or ENVS 1130. Pre- or corequisite: 1110L or ENVS 1130L.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

M 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 116

TR 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 116

Web Enhanced - Combined Lecture/Lab
Lauren E Judge - laurenjudge@unm.edu4 Section Full
Fees: $20

R 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 116

TR 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 116

Web Enhanced - Combined Lecture/Lab
Lauren E Judge - laurenjudge@unm.edu4 Section Full
Fees: $20