Undergraduate Financial Aid
- Departmental Scholarships
- Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation
- The Caswell Silver Foundation
UNM Louis Stokes Alliance for Minority Participation

About UNM AMP and our Statewide Alliance
The New Mexico Alliance for Minority Participation is designed to increase the enrollment and graduation rate of historically underrepresented groups in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM). Begun November 1, 1993, New Mexico AMP is a partnership representing the state's public two-year postsecondary institutions, including two federally funded institutions serving American Indian students, and the state-supported four-year universities, including the University of New Mexico. One of over 35 such programs sponsored by the National Science Foundation (NSF), New Mexico AMP also receives significant support from the state of New Mexico and other private and federal programs. The host AMP institution for the state of New Mexico is New Mexico State University.
UNM-AMP has been operating at the undergraduate level for over 15 years: first housed in the College of Engineering, and since 2001, in Arts & Sciences. Dr. Laura Crossey, Former Associate Dean of A&S and Professor in E&PS has served as Institutional Coordinator. At UNM, AMP activities include funding approximately 10 students per year in undergraduate research activities. Academic support and graduate preparation activities are performed in seminars, and through partnership with other UNM support programs. In addition, UNM AMP administers MESA and transfer scholarships from NM high schools and other NM institutions of higher learning.
For undergraduate UNM LSAMP opportunities, see the Undergraduate Program link above.

About the NM AMP-Bridge to the Doctorate (AMP-BD)
The goal of the NM AMP BD was to fund the initial two years of graduate study at selected LSAMP Alliance institutions. Cohorts of 12 STEM graduate students are the focus of each years' activities. Cohorts I-V were at NMSU; beginning in 2008 with Cohort VI and continuing through 2010 with Cohort VIII, the cohort groups alternated between NMSU and UNM. This activity broadened participation through the attraction of underrepresented minority students in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) disciplines. Additionally, this activity sought to remove minority students' hesitancy about entering graduate school, and the fear of creating additional financial indebtedness associated with initial graduate education. The program’s highest priority was to support STEM disciplines that are sparsely represented nationally by minority groups. The program ended in NM with Cohort VIII and we are very proud of the two UNM cohorts and their continued accomplishments.
Pictured at right: UNM AMP BD Cohort 6 at the Joint Annual Meeting sponsored by NSF in Washington, D.C.
For more Information, Contact:
Laura J. Crossey, Ph.D., UNM AMP Program Director
1 University of New Mexico,
MSC03 2040 Albuquerque, NM 87131-0001
Phone: 505 277-5349; Fax 505 277-8843;
e-Mail lcrossey@unm.edu
The Caswell Silver Foundation
The Caswell Silver Foundation was created in 1980 through an endowment by Caswell Silver, an alumnus of the Department of Geology. The Foundation was established with the sole purpose of supporting graduate education and research at the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at the University of New Mexico. The Foundation supports several programs:
The Caswell Silver Visiting Professorship in Applied Geosciences
The Caswell Silver Open Rank Visiting Faculty Fellowship provides the opportunity for faculty on sabbatical and visiting researchers from other universities, institutes or entities to collaborate (teaching and research) with faculty in the Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences (EPS) at the University of New Mexico. The funded position provides financial support (salary supplement, research and travel costs). Requirements for the fellowship include a minimum of two months in residence at UNM and teaching a module in an aspect of Applied Geosciences. The inaugural fellowship is for the period January 19-May 13, 2016.
Vincent C. Kelley Graduate Fellowships and Leon T. Silver Graduate Fellowships
The fellowships are awarded on the basis of the scholastic record and academic promise of graduate applicants. Each fellowship provides a stipend of $1,790 per month for twelve months, and up to $3,000 per year for travel and research expenses. The Foundation pays all tuition, university and health insurance fees. These awards complement other graduate assistantships, such as research or teaching assistantships. As with other forms of departmental assistance, the award is contingent on maintaining excellent academic standing and evidence of significant progress in research. Preference is given but not restricted to applicants for the Ph.D. program.
Caswell Silver Undergraduate Research Support
Awards in support of undergraduate research are based on proposals submitted by undergraduate students. The Foundation pays for costs related to field and analytical work, as well as costs incurred for research presentations. Students are expected to maintain excellent academic standing and show evidence of significant progress in research. Preference is given but not restricted to undergraduates involved in the departmental Honors program.
The Caswell Silver Distinguished Lecture Series
The Foundation provides funds to invite internationally known earth scientists to present lectures or seminars in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences.