Undergraduate Programs of Study

The Department of Earth & Planetary Sciences offers three degrees:

BS in Earth and Planetary Sciences

BA in Earth and Planetary Sciences

BS in Environmental Science

and two minors:

Minor in Earth and Planetary Sciences

Minor in Environmental Sciences

Undergraduate Research Experiences, Departmental Honors, and Scholarships

Other Information

  • General course information for all students, click here.
  • Declare your major early (see EPS staff advisor in Room 147 Northrop Hall)
  • EPS Staff Advisor: Maddy Beck, 277-5766 epsadvise@unm.edu or schedule an appointment at LoboAchieve.unm.edu
  • Seek advice of a Departmental Faculty Undergraduate Advisor early and often! For EPS BS/BA: Laura Crossey, Rm 339 Northrop Hall, 277-5349 lcrossey@unm.edu;  For EnvSc BS: Cori Myers, Rm 226 Northrop Hall, cemyers@unm.edu;  
  • Get Involved!! Sign up for the Undergraduate Geology/Environmental Science Club ( Don Powers Room, 1st floor Northrop).
  • Keep informed!