Next Semester+1 Courses

Fall 2025

Current topics in geology. For graduate students, may be repeated once for credit towards degree. See description for *490. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

F 2:00 PM - 2:50 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 122

Lindsay Lowe Worthington - lworthington@unm.edu1132

(Also offered as ANTH 502) Students will be exposed to cutting edge isotope-focused interdisciplinary research in a lecturer, discussion and constructive feedback setting. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

M 12:00 PM - 12:50 PM
Physics & Astronomy Interdis 1010

Nicu-Viorel Atudorei - atudorei@unm.edu110

Theory and practice of electron microprobe analysis emphasizing geological materials. Restriction: permission of instructor and a demonstrated need for the use of instrument.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

MW 10:00 AM - 10:50 AM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 340

R 1:00 PM - 3:50 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) B03

Michael N Spilde - mspilde@unm.edu315

A course exploring a topic not covered by the standard curriculum but of interest to faculty and students in a particular semester. Restriction: permission of instructor.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
Sel T: Physical Hydrology

R 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 115

TR 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 105

Staff 310
Modeling Earths Surface

W 2:00 PM - 4:50 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 115

Marisa N Repasch - mrepasch@unm.edu310
Computational Mthds Geoscience

TR 12:30 PM - 1:45 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 115

Eric O Lindsey - eol@unm.edu312

(Also offered as ANTH 444/544, BIOL 444/544, EPS 444, GEOG 444/544, MSST 444/544.) Interdisciplinary overview of how science museum resources are used to study change in human communities, natural, and physical systems over space and time. Course activities emphasize materials science, data science, and team science. Restriction: instructor permission.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available

MW 9:30 AM - 10:45 AM
Physics & Astronomy Interdis 2120

Thomas F Turner - tfturner@salud.unm.edu35

Course emphasizes investigation, evaluation, and discussion of areas of specialized knowledge or inquiry relevant to the profession or field of study.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
Mass Extinction

TR 2:00 PM - 3:15 PM
Northrop Hall (Earth&Plan Sci) 340

Corinne Myers - cemyers@unm.edu320

Maximum of three units of problems can count toward M.S. or Ph.D. course requirements.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
00120477Independent StudyCarl B Agee - agee@unm.edu1 TO 325
00220480Independent StudyYemane Asmerom - asmerom@unm.edu1 TO 325
00320485Independent StudyAdrian J Brearley - brearley@unm.edu1 TO 325
00420488Independent StudyLaura J Crossey - lcrossey@unm.edu1 TO 325
00520492Independent StudyMaya Elrick - dolomite@unm.edu1 TO 325
00620496Independent StudyPeter J Fawcett - fawcett@unm.edu1 TO 325
00720499Independent StudyTobias P Fischer - fischer@unm.edu1 TO 325
00820507Independent StudyJoseph Galewsky - galewsky@unm.edu1 TO 325
00920552Independent StudyNicu-Viorel Atudorei - atudorei@unm.edu1 TO 325
01020553Independent StudyDavid S Gutzler - gutzler@unm.edu1 TO 320
01120555Independent StudyRhian H Jones - rjones@unm.edu1 TO 325
01220556Independent StudyKarl E Karlstrom - kek1@unm.edu1 TO 325
01320557Independent StudyBarry S Kues - bkues@unm.edu1 TO 325
01420559Independent StudyMarisa N Repasch - mrepasch@unm.edu1 TO 325
01520561Independent StudyGrant A Meyer - gmeyer@unm.edu1 TO 325
01720564Independent StudyLouis A Scuderi - tree@unm.edu1 TO 325
01820566Independent StudyBrandon Schmandt - bschmandt@unm.edu1 TO 325
01920567Independent StudyZachary D Sharp - zsharp@unm.edu1 TO 325
02020570Independent StudyTyler J Mackey - tjmackey@unm.edu1 TO 325
02120574Independent StudyGary S Weissmann - weissman@unm.edu1 TO 325
02220576Independent StudyCorinne Myers - cemyers@unm.edu1 TO 325
02320577Independent StudyVictor J Polyak - polyak@unm.edu1 TO 325
02420580Independent StudyJason Moore - jrm@unm.edu1 TO 325
02520581Independent StudyKaren Ziegler - kziegler@unm.edu1 TO 325
02620583Independent StudyEric O Lindsey - eol@unm.edu1 TO 325
02736738Independent StudyNicu-Viorel Atudorei - atudorei@unm.edu1 TO 350
02820586Independent StudyJose M Cerrato Corrales - jcerrato@unm.edu1 TO 325
02920589Independent StudyLindsay Lowe Worthington - lworthington@unm.edu1 TO 325
03020592Independent StudyAurora Pun - apun@unm.edu1 TO 325
03320597Independent StudyCharles K Shearer - cshearer@unm.edu1 TO 325
03420599Independent StudyMichael N Spilde - mspilde@unm.edu1 TO 325
03520600Independent StudyScott Nowicki - snowicki@unm.edu1 TO 315
03620601Independent StudyThomas E Williamson - abqtom@unm.edu1 TO 325

Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a master’s thesis. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
00120619ThesisCarl B Agee - agee@unm.edu1 TO 625
00220621ThesisYemane Asmerom - asmerom@unm.edu1 TO 625
00320623ThesisAdrian J Brearley - brearley@unm.edu1 TO 625
00420624ThesisLaura J Crossey - lcrossey@unm.edu1 TO 625
00520626ThesisMaya Elrick - dolomite@unm.edu1 TO 625
00620631ThesisPeter J Fawcett - fawcett@unm.edu1 TO 625
00720633ThesisTobias P Fischer - fischer@unm.edu1 TO 625
00820635ThesisJoseph Galewsky - galewsky@unm.edu1 TO 625
00920636ThesisBrandon Schmandt - bschmandt@unm.edu1 TO 625
01021438ThesisDavid S Gutzler - gutzler@unm.edu1 TO 625
01120639ThesisRhian H Jones - rjones@unm.edu1 TO 625
01220641ThesisKarl E Karlstrom - kek1@unm.edu1 TO 625
01320643ThesisBarry S Kues - bkues@unm.edu1 TO 625
01420644ThesisMarisa N Repasch - mrepasch@unm.edu1 TO 625
01520646ThesisGrant A Meyer - gmeyer@unm.edu1 TO 625
01720649ThesisLouis A Scuderi - tree@unm.edu1 TO 625
01820651ThesisLindsay Lowe Worthington - lworthington@unm.edu1 TO 625
01920667ThesisZachary D Sharp - zsharp@unm.edu1 TO 625
02020671ThesisTyler J Mackey - tjmackey@unm.edu1 TO 625
02120673ThesisGary S Weissmann - weissman@unm.edu1 TO 625
02220681ThesisAurora Pun - apun@unm.edu1 TO 625
02320682ThesisVictor J Polyak - polyak@unm.edu1 TO 625
02420683ThesisJason Moore - jrm@unm.edu1 TO 625
02520684ThesisCorinne Myers - cemyers@unm.edu1 TO 625
02620685ThesisEric O Lindsey - eol@unm.edu1 TO 625
02820687Thesis Staff 1 TO 625
02920688ThesisKaren Ziegler - kziegler@unm.edu1 TO 625
03020689Thesis Staff 1 TO 625
03320697ThesisCharles K Shearer - cshearer@unm.edu1 TO 625
03520700ThesisThomas E Williamson - abqtom@unm.edu1 TO 625

Faculty-supervised investigative study that results in the development and writing of a doctoral dissertation. Offered on a CR/NC basis only.

#CRNTime/LocationInstructorCreditsSeats Available
00120749DissertationCarl B Agee - agee@unm.edu3 TO 1225
00220750DissertationYemane Asmerom - asmerom@unm.edu3 TO 1225
00320751DissertationAdrian J Brearley - brearley@unm.edu3 TO 1225
00420753DissertationLaura J Crossey - lcrossey@unm.edu3 TO 1225
00520754DissertationMaya Elrick - dolomite@unm.edu3 TO 1225
00620756DissertationPeter J Fawcett - fawcett@unm.edu3 TO 1225
00720757DissertationTobias P Fischer - fischer@unm.edu3 TO 1225
00820758DissertationJoseph Galewsky - galewsky@unm.edu3 TO 1225
00920759DissertationBrandon Schmandt - bschmandt@unm.edu3 TO 1225
01020760DissertationDavid S Gutzler - gutzler@unm.edu3 TO 1225
01120761DissertationRhian H Jones - rjones@unm.edu3 TO 1225
01220762DissertationKarl E Karlstrom - kek1@unm.edu3 TO 1225
01320763DissertationBarry S Kues - bkues@unm.edu3 TO 1225
01420764DissertationMarisa N Repasch - mrepasch@unm.edu3 TO 1225
01520765DissertationGrant A Meyer - gmeyer@unm.edu3 TO 1225
01720767DissertationLouis A Scuderi - tree@unm.edu3 TO 1225
01820768DissertationLindsay Lowe Worthington - lworthington@unm.edu3 TO 1225
01920769DissertationZachary D Sharp - zsharp@unm.edu3 TO 1225
02020770DissertationTyler J Mackey - tjmackey@unm.edu3 TO 1225
02120771DissertationGary S Weissmann - weissman@unm.edu3 TO 1225
02220773DissertationAurora Pun - apun@unm.edu3 TO 1225
02420775DissertationEric O Lindsey - eol@unm.edu3 TO 1225
02520776Dissertation Staff 3 TO 1225
02820779Dissertation Staff 3 TO 1225
02920780DissertationKaren Ziegler - kziegler@unm.edu3 TO 1225
03320785DissertationCharles K Shearer - cshearer@unm.edu3 TO 1225

Corinne Myers - cemyers@unm.edu3 TO 1225