Louis Anthony Scuderi


Photo: Louis Anthony Scuderi
Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles, 1984
Northrop Hall Rm. 315

Research Area/s:

Climate/Atmospheric Sciences,  Planetary Sciences,  Sedimentology/Stratigraphy/Paleoclimate/Paleontology,  Surface Processes

Research and Academic Interests:

Paleoclimatic reconstructions utilizing dendrochronology, climatology, geographic Information Systems (GIS), image processing, global positioning systems (GPS), creation and analysis of historical and paleoclimatic databases.

Recent Publications:

Yang, X., Scuderi, L.A., Wang, X., Scuderi, L.J., Zhang, D., Li, H., Forman, S., Xu, Q., Wang, R., Huang, W. and Yang, S., 2015. Groundwater sapping as the cause of irreversible desertification of Hunshandake Sandy Lands, Inner Mongolia, northern China. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 112(3), pp.702-706.

Yang, X., Wang, X., Liu, Z., Li, H., Ren, X., Zhang, D., Ma, Z., Rioual, P., Jin, X. and Scuderi, L., 2013. Initiation and variation of the dune fields in semi-arid China–with a special reference to the Hunshandake Sandy Land, Inner Mongolia. Quaternary Science Reviews, 78, pp.369-380.

Davidson, S.K., Hartley, A.J., Weissmann, G.S., Nichols, G.J. and Scuderi, L.A., 2013. Geomorphic elements on modern distributive fluvial systems. Geomorphology, 180, pp.82-95.

Yang, X., Scuderi, L., Liu, T., Paillou, P., Li, H., Dong, J., Zhu, B., Jiang, W., Jochems, A. and Weissmann, G., 2011. Formation of the highest sand dunes on Earth. Geomorphology, 135(1-2), pp.108-116.

Yang, X., Scuderi, L., Paillou, P., Liu, Z., Li, H. and Ren, X., 2011. Quaternary environmental changes in the drylands of China–a critical review. Quaternary Science Reviews, 30(23-24), pp.3219-3233.

Yang, X. and Scuderi, L.A., 2010. Hydrological and climatic changes in deserts of China since the late Pleistocene. Quaternary Research, 73(1), pp.1-9.

Eppes, M.C., McFadden, L.D., Wegmann, K.W. and Scuderi, L.A., 2010. Cracks in desert pavement rocks: Further insights into mechanical weathering by directional insolation. Geomorphology, 123(1-2), pp.97-108.

McAuliffe, J.R., Scuderi, L.A. and McFadden, L.D., 2006. Tree-ring record of hillslope erosion and valley floor dynamics: landscape responses to climate variation during the last 400 yr in the Colorado Plateau, northeastern Arizona. Global and Planetary Change, 50(3-4), pp.184-201.

Scuderi, L.A., 1990. Tree-ring evidence for climatically effective volcanic eruptions. Quaternary Research, 34(1), pp.67-85.