Eric O. Lindsey
Assistant Professor

- Education:
- Ph.D. University of California San Diego, 2015
- Email:
- Office:
- Northrop Hall Rm 227
Related Website/s
Research Area/s:
Geophysics/Seismology, Tectonics/Structural Geology
Research and Academic Interests:
Recent Publications:
Lindsey, E. O., Y. Wang, L. T. Aung, J.-H. Chong, Q. Qiu, R. Mallick, L. Feng, P. S. Aung, T. Z. Htet Tin, S. M. Min, K. Bradley, O. Than, K. M. Oo, M. Thant, F. Masson, R. Burgmann, E. M. Hill, Active subduction and strain partitioning in western Myanmar revealed by a dense survey GNSS network, Earth Planet. Sci. Lett., 622, 118384,, 2023.
Oryan, B., P. M. Betka, M. S. Steckler, S. Nooner, E. O. Lindsey, D. Mondal, H. Akhter, S. Singha, New GNSS and geological data from the Indo-Burman subduction zone indicate active convergence on both a locked megathrust and the Kabaw Fault. J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth, 128, e2022JB025550,, 2023.
Tay, C., E. O. Lindsey, S. T. Chin, J. W. McCaughey, D. Bekaert, M. Nguyen, H. Hua, G. Manipon, M. Karim, B. P. Horton, T. Li, E. M. Hill, Sea-level rise from land subsidence in major coastal cities, Nat. Sustain. 5, 1049–1057,, 2022.
Tha Zin Htet Tin, T. Nishimura, M. Hashimoto, E. O. Lindsey, Lin Thu Aung, Saw Myat Min, Myo Thant, Present-day Crustal Deformation and Slip Rate Along Southern Sagaing fault by GNSS Observation in Myanmar, J. Asian Earth Sciences 228(11): 105125,, 2022.
Meilano, I., R. Salman, S. Rahmadani, S. Susilo, E. O. Lindsey, P. Supendi, D. Daryono, Source characteristics of the 2019 Mw 6.5 Ambon earthquake, eastern Indonesia inferred from seismic and geodetic data, Seismol. Res. Lett. 92 (6): 3339–3348,, 2021.
Fadil, W., E. O. Lindsey, Y. Wang, P. M. Maung, H. Luo, H. H. Aung, P. P. Tun, T. L. Swe, S. H. Than, S. Wei, The 11th January 2018, Mw 6.0 Bago-Yoma, Myanmar earthquake: A shallow thrust event within the deforming Bago-Yoma Range, J. Geophys. Res. Solid Earth 126, e2020JB021313,, 2021.
Lindsey, E. O., R. Mallick, J. A. Hubbard, K. E. Bradley, R. Almeida, J. D. P. Moore, R. Bu ̈rgmann, and E. M. Hill, Slip rate deficit and earthquake potential on shallow megath- rusts, Nat. Geosci. 14, 321-326,, 2021.
Mallick, R., A. J. Meltzner, L. L. H. Tsang, E. O. Lindsey, L. Feng, and E. M. Hill, Long-lived Shallow Slow-slip Events on the Sunda Megathrust, Nat. Geosci., 14, 327-333,, 2021.
Materna, K., L. Feng, E. O. Lindsey, E. M. Hill, A. Ahsan, A. K. M. Khorshed Alam, K. M. Oo, O. Than, T. Aung, S. N. Khaing, and R. Burgmann, GNSS characterization of hydrological loading in South and Southeast Asia, Geophys. J. Int., 224, 1742-1752,, 2021.