Departmental Event

Start Date: Mar 25, 2022 - 02:00pm
End Date: Mar 25, 2022 - 03:00pm
Dr. Abe
Northern Arizona University
Location: Centennial (SOE) rm 1041
Abstract. Springs occur where groundwater emerges at or near the Earth’s surface. They integrate the hydrogeological conditions of the catchments from which they discharge. They are very cost-effective places to measure and monitor aquifers and teach hydrogeology. Each spring has unique characteristics and responses to various natural and anthropogenic stressors. Springs discharging from local or regional aquifers tell different stories, which influence the ecological and cultural significance of the springs. Many native cultures have an emergence story associated with a spring. Climate change and land management practices produce different responses for different types of aquifers. Lessons learned from springs are important for guiding future land and water management decisions, especially if data can be archived, published, and shared through open sources. Land and resource management agencies can benefit by including multiple continuous, interdisciplinary springs monitoring sites in their networks.